Just another thanks for your sweet emails and for the time you take to keep me informed on your lives (: I am grateful for you!
We should start off with the good! We had an attendance of 108 and it was a beautiful SUNNY SUNDAY. However, not one of the 108 were any of our investigators. Ugh! Well there is always this week right? We are hoping for another Sunny Sunday this week. We have been having like a little summer in the middle of winter lately, it has been real nice.
We were able to go the temple this past week and it went really good. We were witnesses for the baptisms. It was a trip with all the new members or members that have recently just re-activated. It was super cool, we were able to hear from them that went for the first time to the temple in sacrament meeting. They were able to bear their testimony of the experience and encourage others to take the same steps and make it to the temple.
After reading the email that mom sent me.... she mentioned a re-focus. This past week we weren't able to reach a goal. We are wasting too much time with people that don't need our help. We need to re-focus. I would invite you guys to do the same.... re-focus your lives. Like Mom said, we just get caught up in the times and we get moving in all different directions. We need to take a step back and change things. If we aren't reading the Book of Mormon daily, read! If we aren't saying daily prayers, pray! If we haven't gone to the temple lately.... go! I have noticed that even as a missionary I get caught up in the motions. I have been going through the motions lately.... I need to change. We are going to change some things tomorrow in our planning to have a better week.
I would love to finish with a quote (: "You can't start the next chapter of your life if you are re-reading the last one." It is time to start a new chapter! Today is the day! I am so grateful for you guys and for all you guys do! I love you more than you can comprehend! Have a great week (:
Elder Taylor Abel, one happy and changing missionary!

Zone Bowling