Buen Día!
This week went really good, I quite enjoyed it! On Friday we had a Zone Conference and President Smith touched my heart as he began talking to us about our dear prophet President Thomas S. Monson. He said that Hermana Smith received and email with a picture and a story.. the picture was what a 3 or 4 year old had drawn of President Monson in his last talk. This kid drew President Monson with two bright things.. one on each side. The stories continues that another kid drew the same thing.. two bright things on the sides of President Monson. President Smith continued to say.. Children see things that we don´t but President Monson not only had those two angels helping him but a 3rd angel was there.. President Uchtdorf was behind him on the edge of his seat with his arms spread ready to help our prophet if anything were to happen. How neat. I am so grateful for President Monson and for the man that he is.. for the revelation that he receives to help us in all that we do. I know he is called of God and that he will fight for this great cause until his last days.. what strength that should give all of us to fight to the end of our lives in this great cause. I love this from him.. it gives me courage to do what is right even when no one is looking.
Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.
Okay, so we all know the heroic story of Ammon where he takes down 7 guys just by himself with a sling shot and his sword.. not to mention the fact that they couldn´t kill him and he cut off every arm that tried to.. pretty amazing if you ask me! However, I would love to share something that I caught this past week while I have been studying The Book of Mormon and trying to make it delicious to me like James B. Martino counseled us to do! Ready set go!
Key: + is the scriptures.. * is our day.
Alma 17
Verse 22 + The king asked if he desired to live with the Lamanites.. his enemies.
* Our King asked us if we desired to come to this earth and live with everyone here.. yes even our enemies.
Verse 23 + Ammon said yes and told him that he was to live there for some time or even until he dies.
* We said yes and accepted the plan that our King and His son had proposed to us. How great was that day!
Verse 24 + King Lamoni was happy.. or as it says "Pleased".
* Our King is very happy with us that we chose to become more like Him on this earth. He loves us!
Verse 25 + Ammon chose to be a servant to the King. He was sent to watch the flocks.
* We have chosen to be servants of our King and He has sent us here with a purpose of watching His flock. We have callings that allow us to watch over part of the flock that has already found its way.. however the whole entire world is part of His flock. We are all children of our Heavenly King and we need to watch over everyone and help them in the ways that we can.
Verse 26 + They were at water.
* We were all in Heaven.
Verse 27 + The group of Lamanites came and scattered the flock.
* The enemy has come and the hearts of the people were hardened (1 Nephi 22:5) and the flocks of our King were scattered throughout all of the lands.
Verse 28 + The other servants began to murmur "saying: Behold, our flocks are scattered already."
* We murmur as servants of our loving King saying: We don´t have time or the people won´t listen to us.. the flock has already been scattered and I have been gathered and there is nothing more that we can do. At least I have been gathered.
Verse 29 + The servants feared. However, Ammon's heart was "swollen with joy" and he was willing to show his power and help people believe in his words.
* We fear... however, we shouldn't. We should have our hearts swell with joy and be willing to show our power.. sons and daughters of a king who has given us His Priesthood power from above. We should be ready to have many people believe in our words.
~May we be the Ammon of our days and show a good example by searching for the flocks to gather them~
Verse 31 +"My brethren, be of good cheer and let us go in search of the flocks, and we will gather them together and bring them back unto the place of water; and thus we will preserve the flocks unto the king.."
* My family, be of good cheer and let us go in search of the flocks, and we will gather them together and bring them back unto heaven; and thus we will preserve the flocks unto our Heavenly King.
Verse 32 + "And it came to pass that they went in search of the flocks ... and they rushed forth with much swiftness and did head the flocks of the king, and did gather them together again to the place of water."
* And we will go in search of the flocks.. and we will rush forth with much swiftness because time is running out and we will head the flocks of our King and we will gather them together again to our heavenly home.
May we gather the flocks of Israel and bring them unto the gospel of Jesus Christ and ultimately to their heavenly home again is my hope.
I hope that all is well with you guys and that you continue to share the Gospel. I sure am so grateful for my opportunity to serve and know that the Lord is with me and Elder Naylor. I am so grateful for missionary work all around the world. I know that God loves you. I know that we can feel of His love and we share it with others. I love you guys and hope that you have a wonderful week! p.s.... I won't be writing until next Wednesday. We changed the p-day to go to the Fortaleza. So... actually have a great week and a half! Ü
Elder Taylor Abel.. a very happy elder!
This little guy was my after baptism snack.. it was... delicious!
This is the usual Uruguayan food in the winter.. you are looking at a nice yummy stew!
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