Hoy es dia!

Hoy es dia!
Updates while serving in the Uruguay Montevideo West Mission taylor.abel@myldsmail.net
Current Mailing Address:
Elder Taylor Abel
Uruguay Montevideo West Mission
Enrique Martinez 1167
11800 Montevideo, Uruguay

Monday, December 14, 2015

What the Doggy Bite?

How are you? 

I should begin by telling you that this past week I sent off 3 letters.. Now each one of these letters were addressed to the good ole home. First and foremost.. please pray that they get there for Christmas.. If they don´t I will be super bummed because they have a big part in the Skype call. Pray lots.. I sent them late but I know that if they were supposed to get there that they will show up on time! So when they get there.. they are not to be opened until I we are skyping.. deal?! Man I really hope that you get them soon. When you get them.. be sure to take a photo of them ... (but put them together the right way (; You should understand what I mean when you get them.. ) and then send me the photo so I know that you got them.. sound good? 

Super excited to see you guys! Only 10 days away.. can you believe it? It is definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I am thinking that I will probably call around 7ish or 8ish here.. so around 3ish or 4ish there. What do you guys think? We still have one more pday and I will let you know for sure next week but that is what I am thinking. I need to talk to my companion first (:

So.. on to the next big thing! Changes.. Who will you guys be meeting on Christmas! I was very surprised yesterday when we got the call from the assistants because I was thinking for sure that we were staying together but it turns out that Elder Correa will be making a short trip to Artigas to be the Zone Leader with my good buddy.. Elder De La Cruz. I will be staying here in Salto to start my 7th change here.. and Elder Orihuela from Peru will be joining me here. It will be the first time he is zone leader but I am confident that this new change will be better than this last one. I am super excited.. I came with Orihuela to Uruguay and now I have the opportunity to get to know him and work with him. I have heard nothing but good about him so I am ready to work hard with him. Should be good.. I am going to spend some good time tomorrow at the bus terminal because I have to make sure that everyone comes and goes ok but it will be fun (: 

So this past week was lots of walking but it was super good. We were able to find 6 new people which was awesome. We found Matias (little guy) again and it turns out that he actually wants to continue with the charlas and so we set a new baptismal date with him.. he will be baptized on the 2nd of Jan. We also found a young couple that are awesome.. they both dance. They are 19 and 17 and have a little girl. They are Miguel and Antonela.. Miguel dances super good. I took some videos of him.. I will try to send one. It made me want to dance so bad! 

Lots of good things that are happening here and only onward and upward from here! Don´t have much time to waste (; I hope that you guys have a great week! I love you all soo much! • See you in 10 •

Elder Taylor Abel.. Ready for Christmas elder (:

Enjoy this sweet sunset

 My gnarly dog bite. I think the Lord decided to tell me that I shouldn't be a vet after the dog got a good bite out of my hand  

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